A new Multisensory Map for MTE Museum

In the framework of “La Scienza a portata di mano” Project, funded by Regione Lombardia at the Museum of Electrical Technology (MTE) of the University of Pavia, the research groups of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAr) and Spazio Geco are working on the creation of multisensory maps (tactile and with audio guides) of the different sections of the Museum.

The goal, which integrates with the tactile map of the entire exhibition space created last spring, is to make the MTE even more inclusive, providing visitors with a useful tool not only to orientate themselves within the different MTE sections but also to know the most significant elements of the Museum through a short audio description.

This is a very innovative research path: usually the exhibition spaces have a tactile map or an audio guide; the attempt to combine both of them represents an important innovation and an added value that is really able to include all visitors in a unique cultural journey. Furthermore, the use of FDM technology with three different colors will ensure maximum consistency with the Museum’s general map already created, bringing the MTE to be a reference of inclusion and integration at National level.

Team DICAr: Prof. F. Auricchio, Prof. A. Greco, Ing. G. Alaimo, Ing. V. Giacometti, Ing. S. Marconi, Ing. V. Mauri.

For further information about our previous collaboration with MTE Museum visite the Project Webpage.

December 19th, 2017